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  • Фото автораKate Salmon

iRobot Roomba 980 Review Smart Robot Vacuum - part II

Обновлено: 25 окт. 2018 г.

The Roomba robot vacuum rollers are rubber and have grooves for extra grip on many different kinds of surfaces. These wheels can extend about two inches out from the bottom of the body, allowing the Roomba to clean uneven surfaces and climb or descend small slopes with ease. Lastly, our number of sensors located around the base of the unit, some detect cliffs to keep the rumour from falling while others detect the surface type or how dirty the floor is.

Included in the Box are two virtual walls as they are called and our little battery-powered columns that help keep the room out of places it doesn't need to go. These had two different modes one is a straight shot that keeps a straight line out so the room will not pass the barrier and another is a four-foot diameter ring that keeps the room from going anywhere within four feet of the virtual wall.

Navigation in general is more intelligent than previous Roomba models thanks to the included camera and some other sensors on board. While vacuuming if it needs to go back to base and charge it could find its way back all by itself and the only time it couldn't for me was when I picked it up to spot clean something and it didn't know we're in the house I had placed it. I also had to get stuck under one of my couches a few times and honestly I have no idea how it got under there in the first place, as it really shouldn't be small enough to do so but somehow I've decided it wanted to get under there really badly. Speaking of this sort of stubbornness it really does have a great little personality that reminded me a lot of the r2d2 name and I gave it. It really does make it feel more like a robot pet than that boring old vacuum in the closet. Sounds with each command or cute indistinct and unique sounds for start, stop, errors backing up and plenty of other things are all here and there definitely an enjoyable range of sounds that likely will have you laughing one or two times it does its job.

Actual cleaning is nothing short of phenomenal and a foul my house is cleaner with the Roomba round than it had ever been before. Part of this is just how effortlessly vacuuming becomes with the Roomba and I liken it to an automatic sprinkler system for your lawn. Once it's there you sell them think about how clean your floor's are, especially when the Roomba is on a regular schedule. You just consistently come home to a clean home it really is very refreshing. Noise levels are generally much lower than regular vacuums and are more pleasant to run them in at home, although you probably won't want it running around the company or when you're having phone conversations.

The room look construction up to 10 times the amount of previous models when it gets to carpet living your carpets cleaner than ever and it does all this automatically changing suction levels depending on what it detects the floor type units on. Just make sure you clean up any cords toys or light area rugs before allowing it to run, as it can easily get stuck on things. Sure, there are sensors but we all know how cords are getting themselves into impossible knots grabbing anything they can in their way. Things get even crazier when you have another object that's moving by itself. Only a few times it objects cause the room but to actually stop its job and even then, it was a task of simply dislodging the object and hitting start again. I never actually had the Roomba break anything in my home or anything like that. One of the biggest new features of the Roomba 980 is the app and thankfully, the app is absolutely fantastic. This is where you're going to control the Roomba for most tasks unlike previous models that had buttons on the unit itself. Scheduling remote cleaning and changing any of the options are all going to be done within this app, and thankfully, for you multi OS users out there there's going to be apps for both Android and iOS. IRobot home is its name, and you can also give your own room but its own name as well as add more Roombas if you have a multilevel home or something like that. Inside you're also going to find maintenance schedules, how dirty your dustbin and rollers are, tutorials on how to perform general maintenance and other cleaning tasks detailed job history when the Roomba was run and how much space and time it cleaned as well. Simple maintenance includes emptying the dustbin after every use for Best Performance, although I found this wasn't always necessary as your house isn't always going to be as dirty to fill up a dustbin. The HEPA filter found inside the dustbin usually just needs to be blown off easily be replaced if needed.

Honestly, I absolutely love this thing, it's so carefree it really leaves my house almost completely spotless and it just does a great job. This thing has completely changed in my household cleaning behavior and that's not just to say that it's vacuuming all the time, but also that is kept us from keeping toys and other small things from staying on the floor longer than needed. Is it worth 900 bucks, well that's definitely going to depend on your usage and of course how important taking annoying long chores like vacuuming out of your life are. Then there also is the consideration of the other models that iRobot has and the cheaper models that don't have nearly as many features and can't clean as large of an area as this one. This particular Roomba is designed to clean around 2,000 square feet, but like I said there are cheaper models available for people with small apartments and things like that.

That won't need some of the other advanced features, of course that connectivity feature is really really good and I really hope that they add this to more connected Roomba soon, especially the cheaper ones, because this particular one is an absolutely amazing product and I would love to see this extended to their other line.

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